Forms Live’s PDF Survival Guide

As you commence the journey to obtain a Contract of Sale, where will you venture first? That’s right, Forms Li- oh, most likely a lawyer? That’s understandable, however, preparing and storing forms in different locations isn’t exactly best practice.

Let’s say your filing method is inefficiently spread out - within Forms Live, as PDFs on desktops, and printed then loosely thrown into the backseat. When you need one of those forms you’ll most likely find one isn’t where you left it, another (which you thought was completed) laying unfinished on your desk, and the other one can’t be sent for signatures without the missing one.

That’s almost as inconvenient as a missing puzzle piece, right? It’s the exact opposite of the workflow we strive to curate for subscribers. Forms Live is a one-stop-shop for all the forms and signatures you need.

It’s time to trade in that discombobulated process for single-point access to all your forms - to help you along the way, say 'hello' to Forms Live’s PDF Completion and PDF Signing Guide. Attach documents like Section 32s and Contracts of Sale to forms to have them stored within the platform, then go a step further by adding interactive Text Fields, Checkboxes, and Signature Fields, fields that can be handled directly by you within Forms Live.

Add Interactive Fields to PDFs

It couldn’t be easier to add Text Fields and Checkboxes to attached documents. Updates have seen attachments made viewable inline with generated forms – as long as the option 'Print with form by default' has been ticked, the document will be viewable below the form.

When hovering over the attached document, you’ll see an Edit Fields button appear on the top left. Click it and you'll have entered the PDF editor!

Beneath Add Fields you’ll find Text Field and Checkbox options, then, under Signing Fields you’ll see a dropdown enabling you to assign signature fields to specific signees. As well as options to add Signature Fields (which includes names and dates) as well as individual Sign Date or Signer Name fields.

Note: the size of Checkboxes and Signature Fields can NOT be resized, this is ONLY available for Text Fields.

Once you start customising attachments, you'll see just how simple of a process it is - tap the field required, click the document where you’d like the field to be placed, then drag the field into the preferred position – and don’t forget to save once you're done!

In regard to deleting, copying, and undoing placed fields, shortcut keys make simple work of performing these common actions. Travel to Shortcuts on the right for further information.

Fill Out Attached Documents With Ease

Once fields have been dragged, dropped and saved within the PDF editor, the newly interactive fields will be waiting on the attachment to be filled out.

So, exit the editor, start ticking all those boxes and filling out all those fields. You’re now free to prepare, complete and store all your forms within Forms Live…and you can even send them for signatures!

Attachments? Prepared. Sent. Signed.

Forget the hassle of scanning, sending, and waiting for forms to be signed, scanned, and returned - maintain a quick and easy signature process in one secure location - add custom signature fields to attachments and you'll have those documents sent and signed alongside forms.

Establish the person you want signatures from with the dropdown below Signing Fields in the editor sidebar. Then, select the Signature field and tap anywhere on the document to drop in the Name, Date and Signature fields. Repeat this process for all the signatures required (remembering to establish the relevant signee) and once they’re in position, you’ll be good to go.

The recipient will be prompted to sign the attachment after the initial form with 'Sign Here' fields exactly where you placed them!

Work smarter not harder by keeping all your forms as well as the signature process within Forms Live.